

  • 25.01.

    1st Circulus Workshop took place on Wednesday 18 January 2017

    The Objectives of the Selection and Specification workshop were to develop a common understanding of circular economy between the participants from Industry associations and Science. We discussed criteria for and selection of appropriate case studies for the investigation of innovations for the circular economy. It also worked as a first matching of mutual expectations and reconciling the realization in the Circulus project.

    Our Participants (from left): Marcus Kirschner (HDH – Hauptverband der deutschen Holzindustrie), Prof. Stefan Bringezu (University of Kassel), Prof. Claudia Bieling (University of Hohenheim), Dr. Tobias Schwarzmüller (Bayern Innovativ), Dr. Sina Leipold (University of Freiburg), Dominik Melzig (FÖV – Forum Ökologisch Verpacken), Anatoly Davydov (FTP – Forest – Based Sector Technology  Platform), Alfons Bieling (FTP), Nora Sophie Griefahn (Cradle to Cradle).