Special Issue on Promises of growth and sustainability in the bioeconomy
Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2021
In current debates about the future of modern societies, one concept is increasingly marshalled as providing an answer to multiple challenges: the bioeconomy. The dominant narrative makes the claim that shifting to a bioeconomy based on the flow of renewable energies and biological resources societies can achieve both: ‘green’ economic growth and a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels and resources, thus building a sustainable future.
Bio-based economies rely on renewable materials only available within biophysical limits and dependent on cyclical regenerative processes that cannot be expanded and accelerated at will. It is thus disputable whether economic growth and the accumulation of ever-increasing amounts of energy and goods can continue in an economy based on renewable resources. Political actors and strategies often claim that the bioeconomy will bring far-reaching changes towards sustainability at all levels and in all sectors of society and individual lifestyles. At the same time, the concrete actions of key players in politics, science and industry seem to assume that the bioeconomy will allow them to continue with business as usual and avoid a turn away from the growth paradigm and techno-optimistic solutionism.
The aim of this special issue is to shed light on the nexus of sustainability, technology and growth within the bioeconomy from multidisciplinary, critical and constructive perspectives. We invite empirical and/or conceptual contributions.
More information: here