In the workshop, we want to discuss alternatives to the exploitation of resources in Latin America and Germany. In Latin America, the extraction of raw materials and related policies (extractivism) has fueled critique in the last years since mining projects or the extraction and production of oil and natural gas has negative ecological impacts and do not meet the promise of politicians and company members on economic progress and social wellbeing. Besides: Considering the climate crisis, crude oil and coal should stay underground anyway. In the workshop, participants from Argentina, Chile and Germany discuss alternative concepts and examples to extractivism. The event is organized by the “Thematisches Netzwerk Patagonien” (DAAD) in cooperation with the BMBF-Junior Research Group „Bioeconomy and social Inequalities“ as well as with the Maria-Sibylla-Merian-Center for Latin American Studies (CALAS) and the International Center for interdisciplinary Studies on Argentina / Cono Sur (ARCOSUR) at the FSU Jena. The Workshop takes place in Spanish.