

  • 01.07.

    Sessions zu “Building Alternative Livelihoods in Times of Ecological and Political Crisis“

    Die Forschungsgruppe „flumen“ organisiert am 6. Juli 2021 drei Live-Stream-Sessions zu Bioökonomie und Wachstum auf der online-Konferenz „Building Alternative Livelihoods in Times of Ecological and Political Crisis“.

    Growth, Technology and the Bioeconomy (6. Juli, 13:45-15:15 Uhr GMT+1 (UK-Zeit) | in Deutschland: 14:45-16:15 Uhr!)
    – Dennis Eversberg, Jana Holz: Empty Promises of Growth: The Bioeconomy and Its Multiple Reality Checks
    – Miriam Boyer & Sarah Hackfort: The Growth Paradigm and the High-Tech Bioeconomy
    – Matthias Schmelzer: Fossil capital and carbon mentalities: Contours of the social in historical studies on energy transitions

    The global frontlines of the bioeconomy: Conflicts and rural social inequalities related to the expansion of the bioeconomy (6. Juli, 13:45-15:15 Uhr GMT+1 (UK-Zeit)| in Deutschland 14:45-16:15 Uhr!)
    – Eduardo Erazo Acosta: The power of the ancestral philosophy of Alli kawsay (Buen Vivir) in the indigenous movements of Colombia – Ecuador
    – Axel Anlauf: Contesting the bioeconomy‘s bottleneck–conflicts around phosphate mining and trade in Piura, Peru
    – Anne Tittor: Towards an extractivist bioeconomy without decarbonization?
    – Sabaheta Ramcilovic-Suominen: Envisioning just bioeconomy transformations for Europe: Drawing from degrowth and intersectional decolonial environmental justice movements and ideas

    European perspectives in the contested transformation towards a bio-based economy (6. Juli, 15:30-17:00 Uhr GMT+1 (UK-Zeit) | in Deutschland: 16:30-18:00 Uhr!)
    – Maja Hoffmann, Clive Spash: Sectoral analysis of the impacts of greenhouse gas mitigation on work for the Austrian economy, and implications for the debates on just transition and degrowth
    – Joachim Spangenberg: The German Bioeconomy Strategy – Debunking the Narrative
    – Philip Koch: Transitions in the Andalusian Olive Oil sector – History, Perceptions and Conflicts
    – Lilian Pungas: Social-ecological mentalities within the semi-subsistence urban agriculture in Estonia

    „Building Alternative Livelihoods in Times of Ecological and Political Crisis“ ist eine internationale online-Konferenz des International Degrowth Research Networks, der International Society for Ecological Economics und der European Society for Ecological Economics. Sie findet vom 5. bis 8. Juli 2021 online statt und wird organisiert von der Universität Manchester (UK).

    Mehr Infos zur Konferenz allgemein:

    Spreadsheet, das ein aktuelles Programm beinhaltet: (Alle Angaben in GMT+1, dh in deutscher Zeit nochmals +1h)

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